A Court of Thornes and Roses is a book that I was afraid to read because I thought it was over-hyped but it is one of the best stories I have read this year. Sarah J. Maas writing is incredible. It is a new adult fantasy novel. I don't agree with some saying it is a young adult novel since some romantic parts of the story are not related to young adult. This review is my opinion and spoiler-free.
The story is about Feyre, a huntress and a care taker of her family for years. In order to survive she had to hunt and kill a wolf during one of her hunting experiences in the forest. Yet, the wolf was not the animal she expected. The wolf was a magical creature. Taken prisoner by a very powerful enemy, Feyre had to discover the ultimate intention of Tamlin and his kingdom and how she is going to survive the High Queen of Prythian. It is hard to talk about the books without revealing something.I can fully understand the hype of the book and I fully agree in a certain sense. The characters development is phenomenal and although it lacks the world description experience yet I was satisfied. The first part of the book confused me a lot. There were instances that I had no intention why the characters behaved in certain way. Thus, made me curious to the point that I couldn't stop reading it. The ending made a lot of sense and answered many of my questions revealing other questions especially from what I heard from the Bookstagram community. (Why Rhys is so loved by the community?? Haha! I have to read book two) The story is fast paced, not complicated and the chapters are perfect in length. It is a book that one reads for leisure without getting emotionally involved in it. Still it is a good story and although there are aspects that made me cringe or over simplified yet I did enjoy my time.
Can't wait to start the second book.
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