The story is situated in New York and it portrays Mara, our protagonist and a teenager that despite being denied using any technological devices in her life by her mum, she enters an adventure. With the help of her two friends, Mara is on a mission to find her uncle Arnold, presumed to be dead. However, anxiously he contacted Mara asking to help him. What happened is while Mara was learning to avoid being programmed by the system in the garage of Alex Marely, little she knew that she was spied by Hermes to brief Falco the villain of the story.
Although now, I can consider myself an adult, I truly enjoyed reading this book. The words used are not difficult and the writing style is highly recommended to teenagers. It is fast-paced, and the description of the story is superb. What was interesting is that technical words are described in the footnotes. Thus, the teenager is expanding the vocabulary and learn new words and ways how programming functions. I learned a lot about technology especially new concepts but what I was amazed with is that little I knew how hacking can be so easily done. The book was reflective as well and I believe that one should read it in order to understand in what world we are living and to be careful and safe on the internet. Can't wait to start reading book 2 to see how the story proceeds.
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