Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Irvin Vella 6: Investigatur Virtwali. Il-Każ tat-tfajla maħtufa

This was gifted to me by @merlinkotba and this review will be spoiler free. This book is one of the most popular mystery books in Malta for children and adolescents. This is the sixth book in the series and I can’t wait to collect them all. Each story is a stand alone however there are some references in the footnotes referring to previous stories. I totally love the illustrations in the book. Francesca Grech is amazing. John A. Bonello, the author gave us a beautiful piece of work. I was totally hooked on the story and I finished the book in just three days.

The story is about Irvin Vella, a virtual investigator. Irvin has yet another difficult case to solve. The police are investigating the case of Jess Green, a Scottish 18 year old girl that was in Malta for vacation. The girl was kidnapped and the primarily suspect was il-Vleģģa, a well-known criminal. However, Irvin is not convinced. Thus, he has an investigation to conduct to find the culprit of this crime. 

Din hija storja ġdida ta’ Irvin Vella, l-investigatur virtwali. Din id-darba Irvin għandu każ diffiċli ħafna ta’ tfajla maħtufa. Din hija storja li ħadt gost ħafna naqra speċjalment f’dawn f’xi lejla xitwija. Hija storja li ħa tqabbdek ħafna kurżita’ u ma tkunx trid titlaq il-ktieb sakemm tispiċċa l-aħħar paġna. Minkejja l-każ ta’ Irvin jidher wieħed faċli, din id-darba hemm ħafna kumplikazzjonijiet u għalhekk l-istorja tħallik sal-aħħar bil-kurżita’. Tgħid din id-darba Irvin ser jispiċċa b’każ mhux solvut? Nirrakomandaħ ħafna dan il-ktieb speċjalment inti jekk inti adolexxent u trid xi ħaġa mhux daqshekk diffiċli biex taqra. Nemmen li Irvin ħa jkun kumpanija eċċezzjonali għalik f’dawn il-jiem ta’ vaganzi.

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