Wasal il-Milied
During the month of December, I try to read a lot of Christmas books. Unfortunately, this year I am behind in my reading plan. However, one of the books that I have managed to read so far is this book in Maltese and I loved every minute of it.
@merlinkotba gifted me this book by Ernest Vella. The book is about the nativity crib and the characters of the crib that came to life especially a Maltese folk creature, il-Gawgaw, that scavenge around the streets on Christmas eve. The character searches for people who were born on Christmas Day because his only curse was that this monster was born at the same time as Jesus.
The story revolves around an investigative journalist, Samwel Vella that was requested to write an article about Christmas. His mother and father hide a great secret about the nativity crib in their home. Even a friend of his grandfather is involved in this mystery. Thus, Vella, as an investigative journalist gets involved in an unidentified situation to discover why the characters in the crib are acting strangely. Was he hallucinating, or it is true that the characters came to life? This review is spoiler free and in Maltese.
Wasal il-Milied huwa ktieb interessanti ferm. Ħadt gost imens naqra dan il-ktieb viċin il-presepju u fl-atmosfera li Diċembru kapaċi joffri. L-istorja hija waħda interessanti u tgħallimt ħafna fuq il-presepju tradizzjonali Malti. Sfortunatament, ftit għadni nara karattri Maltin fil-presepju. Nammetti wkoll li l-ktieb għallimni dwar min hu l-Gawgaw u l-istorja tiegħu. Huwa ktieb li jiena nirrakomandaħ ħafna speċjalment jekk tixtieq storja relatata ma’ dan iż-żmien. Il-ktieb huma mexxej ħafna u għalhekk anke għalikom l-adolexxenti dan huwa ktieb tajjeb ħafna. Nirrakomandah li taqrah fil-kenn ta’ darek, bid-dawl iteptep tal-Milied, f’xi lejla kiesħa li qed tagħmel bħalissa, b’xi tazza tat-te jew kafe. Storja ħelwa imens li tgħallimna, tgħina nirriflettu imma fuq kolllox isaħħarna.
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