Friday, July 22, 2022

The Backpack Years

 The Backpack Years is a travel memoir that is ideal for this time of the year. @bookstagrammerscom and the authors Stephanie and James Wilson gave me this opportunity to review this book and it did not disappoint. It is a refreshing, part travel, part romance memoir of two individual beings that intertwines into a blissful adventure. This review is solely my opinion and spoiler free.

The story takes place with James and Stef, our two backpackers that accounts for how their previous life before getting to know each other was on one side miserable and on the other side void. James, driven by debt had to flee to Australia to find a new lifestyle. While Stef, with the excuse of studying abroad in Spain, left a life of unnecessary risks. The adventures took these two persons apart from each other, yet life has a magical way of forging their path together. What is written, cannot be undone. These two characters accounts an adventure of a lifetime that took them around thirteen countries and around four continents, but this shows the determination of how far one will go for love.

As I said before, the story is ideal for this time of the year. It is the time where the Pandemic is ending which means that people are travelling more. Many of us truly missed the adventure, and this story could fill the void that Covid-19 left in our heart. It is a story of hope for those who life sees it as cruel and full of despair. It is the story of Romeo and Juliet in a modern-tale account. The only difference is that it ends in a twist that I cannot spoil. I highly recommend this book especially if you have the soul of a traveller.

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