Friday, July 22, 2022

Każ Miftuħ

Today’s book suggestion is from @merlinkotba. It is a different book from the usual lot that I read but I had a blast reading it. Każ Miftuħ is an activity book for adults. It contains 9 criminal cases that the reader have to solve. Every case has a set of clues that one has to think to try in order to solve the case. Imagine a board game but in a book form. Ideal for us, bookworms! I recommend this book as an activity that one can do with some friends especially near the beach with a BBQ on the side. Take with you some papers, pencils and biros because I felt like I was Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the cases. I didn’t do all the cases because I am thinking to do them with my friends, maybe organise a group competition who will solve the case first. Totally recommend this book especially if you are interested in solving cases, have some time to spare with your friends and love brain teasers.

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