@merlinkotba gave me this book by @lonkirkop I loved it especially because it is the first sprayed edge book in Maltese that I own but also because it is a story that I can see a lot of students in it. As a teacher I can recognize the validity of the story and how faithful it is to real life.
This is the story of Manda, a 13 year old from Malta. Manda is a normal teenager with a lot of social problems. She is that student that no one wants to talk to her, having a gay father resulted in a lot of bullying and thus, became very reserved yet rebellious person. Manda discovered a YouTuber her age named Jules or Julia. This YouTuber became what Manda wants in her life. She wants not only to be like her but to become Julia or Jules. This YouTuber had everything; fame, love, beauty and acceptance from others. Manda started to change like her favorite influencer thus resulting in a lot of good but also bad decisions. The twist in the end surprised me and made this whole reading experience worth-it. This review will be in Maltese and without any spoilers.
Mitt elf isem ieħor huwa ktieb interessanti ferm. Ktieb li jiftaħ tieqa fuq il-ħajja tal-lum tal-2021 u jixref fil-beraħ dwar kemm l-adolexxenza hija perjodu li hemm bżonn ħafna sapport u smiegħ. Faċli naslu f’konklużjonijiet speċjalment ma’ adolexxenti li huma ribellużi jew fuq tagħhom. Manda hija persuna li tippersonifika ħafna mill-adolexxenti tagħna u li ħafna drabi minħabba nuqqas ta’ kommunikazzjoni, nuqqas ta’ ftehim u għaġla żejda għax m’aħniex kapaċi nifmuhom.
B’hekk jibqgħu persuni aljeni li jivvintaw kollox barra dak li hu normali. M’għandix biżżejjed kliem biex nirrakomanda dan il-ktieb. Storja li nissugerilek taqraha jekk inti adolexxent għax probabli ħa tara l-istorja tiegħek jew almenu biċċa minna miktuba hawnhekk imma fuq kollox lilek jekk inti tixtieq tiskopri ftit mit-turbolenzi li jgħaddu minnu l-adolexxenti f’dan il-perjodu tant diffiċli għalihom.
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